Exclusively at le point
2 in 1 Nourish + Wax Treatments
40 min ($95)
Elevate your wax routine with le point’s 2 in 1 wax and skin care treatment. Our signature bikini or brazilian wax service combines hair removal, a pro-biotic cleanse, a rose infused vajacial and an application of botanical infused non-comedogenic (non-pore clogging) oil to smooth, nourish and maintain the vaginal pH of your most sacred lady parts.
End result: healthy, smooth and bump-free skin.
Services: Pas Seulement un Joli Bikini (Not Just a Pretty Bikini) or Le Changeur De Jeu (The Game Changer Brazilian) and Le Masquue Éclat À La Rose (The Rose Radiance Mask).

Ready to elevate your wax care?
Cozy linen, sweet aromas and a light filled airy space can make all the difference.